Sunday, April 21, 2024

Lighthouse of the Week, April 14-20, 2024: Lido Molo Sud (Faro San Nicolò), Italy


This is a fairly simple Lighthouse of the Week; I was looking for a red lighthouse in Italy. I happened to find one outside Venice.

This is where it is located. That map shows where it is in relation to Venice.

The Lighthouse Directory provides the basic info:

"1908 (station established 1898 with a buoy off the end of the mole). Active; focal plane 14 m (46 ft); two red flashes every 8 s. 14 m (46 ft) octagonal brick tower with lantern and gallery. The lighthouse is painted red with white stone trim under the gallery; lantern roof is white."

So, that's about it. Pictures are below.

Another side of Emma


Nice dress.  I'm advertising for Dallianse.

Emma Dress

In case you want to

Public / pubic service announcement.

The sex positions most AND least likely to result in pregnancy, according to experts... and why wannabe parents should avoid gravity-defying maneuvers

More good stuff on how to plant the seed:
'Studies have revealed that your body undergoes a series of physiological responses during an orgasm which might increase the likelihood of fertilization,' she said.

'One such change is a rhythmic contraction of your pelvic muscles which creates a "pumping" effect that might potentially help sperm move closer to the cervix.'

Ms Goody noted that a woman orgasming thins the mucus membrane lining the cervix and elongates the vaginal canal, 'which prepares the vagina for sex.'

'You're preheating the oven, essentially,' she said.

'The important thing is spending enough time with foreplay. I'd say about 10 to 15 minutes, at least.'
OK by me.

Bond pays bond


Actor Pierce Brosnan, who has done a lot of roles (very well), but is likely best known as one of the movie James Bonds, did something he shouldn't have done in Yellowstone National Park. He went off-trail into a sensitive area in the Mammoth Hot Springs thermal area to get a closer look, which he shouldn't have done. 

So he paid a $1500 fine after admitting he did it.

Pierce Brosnan pleads guilty to illegal hiking charge and agrees to pay $1,500 fine for walking into protected Yellowstone hot spring

Sorry Pierce, that's not allowed.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Another candidate for highest-level dummy


By rights, perhaps the dumbest romance move ever was when Fisher Stevens cheated on a young Michelle Pfeiffer and she dumped him.  

But right up there is Benjamin Millepied cheating on the luminous and brilliant Natalie Portman, who even had children with him, and losing her.

So, it's over.

Natalie Portman's divorce from Benjamin Millepied is FINALIZED after actress quietly filed to end marriage in July 2023 - following cheating allegations against ex-husband

Oh, and she's still marvelous.

Signs of the apocalypse


While we worry about the potential for Russia to decide to use nuclear weapons in its war with Ukraine, and we worry about the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station losing power to run and releasing radiation over a large region of Ukraine and Russia -- we can also worry about radioactivity-proof worms living near Chernobyl.


Worms living near Chernobyl have developed a new 'superpower', scientists discover

Or as Live Science reports it:

Chernobyl worms appear unaffected by radiation from world's worst nuclear disaster

"Scientists sequenced the genomes of 15 of the CEZ worms exposed to different levels of radiation, along with five from other parts of the world, and were unable to detect any clear signs of radiation damage in the worms from the CEZ. These results are in stark contrast to other animals, including frogs, which have changed physically after radiation exposure at the site."
CEZ is the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.

When the end comes, the survivors will be worms and roaches.

AUGGH!  That means a lot of Republican politicians will survive! 

To tell the truth


A Letter to the Editor in the Washington Post really told the simple truth about the past and present of Mitch McConnell's run in the Senate.

Praise for Mitch McConnell is badly misplaced

"Women have lost a fundamental right to privacy in deeply personal medical decisions during crisis moments in their lives because of Mr. McConnell’s impact on the federal judiciary. He has failed to move the Senate to enact legislation to stem the epidemic of gun violence in our country."