Nabble isn't; nebble isn't; but nibble, nobble, and nubble are actual English words (well, nibble is, obviously).
nubble: n: a small lump [diminutive of nub]
nubbly adj
Nubble is probably most familiar to those who have heard of the Nubble Light in Maine:
"Nobble" is more interesting and fun.
nob·ble (nbl) tr.v: nob·bled, nob·bling, nob·bles Chiefly British
1. To disable (a racehorse), especially by drugging.
2. To win (a person) over.
3. To outdo or get the better of by devious means.
4. To filch or steal.
5. To kidnap.
Funny how adding a "b" changes "noble" to "nobble" and goes in a whole different direction.
FERC Report Card
2 hours ago
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