Thursday, July 28, 2011

Another reason Republicans can't govern the country

Regardless of what happens to the debt ceiling, as the Republicans take us down an economic road to destruction, we're already on the Eve of Destruction from them with regard to the environment. It is astonishing the depths to which they will sink -- the problem is that we are all being dragged down with them.

Republicans seek big cuts in environmental rules

“The new Republican majority seems intent on restoring the robber-baron era where there were no controls on pollution from power plants, oil refineries and factories,” said Representative Henry A. Waxman, a California Democrat, excoriating the proposal on the floor.

Environmental regulations and the E.P.A. have been the bane of Tea Party Republicans almost from the start. Although particularly outraged by efforts to monitor carbon dioxide, the primary greenhouse gas linked to the warming of the Earth’s atmosphere, freshmen Republicans have tried to rein in the E.P.A. across the board — including proposals to take away its ability to decide if coal ash can be designated as a toxic material and to prevent it from clarifying rules enforcing the Clean Water Act.

What's the name of that medicine that helps prevent vomiting? I need a boatload of that stuff.

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