Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Fast ones 3: Experimental sonnet

Here is where I tried writing an experimental erotic sonnet with a repeated phrase.  It worked out pretty good.  The last two lines surprised me with an ending I really like.

I want

I want to feel my longing sliding in 
your need; to pluck our harmonies, for which
I want to break the barriers of skin
and meld into your core. If I could switch,
I want to sense how you accept my length
when you perceive our joint connection, and
I want to know the tender way that strength
produces pleasure. As you take my hand
I want to touch as you desire me, where
accumulation makes elation, for
I want you to surrender and to bare
your wonderment to me, until the more
I want to give is all I have, and then
I simply want to tell you now is when.

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