Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Screw the Freedom Caucus

The Freedom Caucus, the ultra-arch, know-nothing, unthinking conservatives in the House of Representatives, just like to gum up the works of the government.  And we have an example right now of their useless intransigence.

Trump again elevates shutdown threat, even as tensions ease on Capitol Hill

Here's a prime demonstration of why they are such troublemakers:
"They [the Freedom Caucus] want GOP leaders to take a firmer stance in negotiations with Democrats — including opposing efforts to link an increase in defense spending, supported by most Republicans, to an increase in nondefense spending, favored by Democrats.  
 Meadows and fellow Freedom Caucus leader Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) said they are seeking to make it as difficult as possible for Democrats to oppose spending bills that hike spending on the military but not on other domestic programs."
Translation: don't spend on what citizens of this country need, just spend money on military hardware so contractors in our districts get paid.

Now, we do need to build up our military, which is experiencing both materiel and morale problems.  But all the Freedom Caucus dumbasses have to accept is as much spending on the home front as on the military operations.  But since they've just passed a ridiculous and unneeded tax cut, they have to try and control spending somewhere, which means not giving the people of this country programs that they need.

Of course.

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