Thursday, April 4, 2019

True of so many things

Paul Waldman, from this op-ed in the Washington Post entitled "In 2020, Trump's conspiracy theorizing will only get worse",  provided a paragraph that is sadly true of many different things in this modern era of post-scientific thought, politics, and philosophy:

"It’s important to appreciate that the conspiracy theorist doesn’t just believe a set of outlandish stories. He has adopted an entire way of thinking about the world, one in which there are always a dozen layers of lies concealing the hidden truth. The fact that most everyone believes something becomes evidence that it’s probably false. Trump constantly feeds into this worldview not just by offering a steady stream of preposterous lies but by characterizing settled questions as deep mysteries whose truth is waiting to be uncovered."
I underlined that one sentence, because I have heard and seen many different behavioral examples of it.

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