Sunday, August 2, 2020


I purposefully accidentally clicked on a link to a column in the conservative blog-blast titled  

The level of unhinged hatred and irrational despisement of our previous President exhibited here is astonishing -- but actually, I personally knew someone that harbored nearly the same views.  The thought processes illustrated here explain how there can be 30-35% of the population who support President Donald Trump no matter what he does, even though he may now be in the process of threatening the entire democratic institutions of this country.  And I don't say that irrationally;  I could, if called upon, easily find a dozen well-reasoned discussions of how he's doing it and how he's been doing it, since he was elected.

Back to the column.  I'll extract the primary over-the-top quote.  Basically, the premise is that Barack Obama acted like a crime kingpin.  Now, given that Trump provided a direct statement that was recorded sounding exactly like a mob boss ordering a hit on an enemy, and also given that some of his former associates (particularly ones with Italian sounding names) say that he acts like a crime boss and knows it, this is pretty hard to swallow.  But as I already noted, it's basically unhinged from reality.

The title:

The author claims that Obama's IRS "thugs" targeted Obama's "enemies".  And that he ordered them to do it.  While there were a couple (and yes, only a couple) occurrences in which right-wing groups were audited, there never was any credible connection to the President having any input on this activity ever. 

But it still gets more unhinged.

The quote:
"I have no doubt Obama ordered the spying on the Trump campaign, the unmasking, the fake FISA warrant. And after Trump's victory, Obama ordered Trump framed for Russian collusion. Obama's loyalists leaked the Ukraine call. I have no doubt Obama directed the entire impeachment behind the scenes."
Are you kidding me?  Sadly, no.  He's serious.   

Seriously nuts.

As the saying goes, "Wow.  Just wow."

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