Sunday, April 30, 2023

Putting Clarence Thomas in perspective


Times have changed, and for the Supreme Court, not for the better.

54 Years Ago, a Supreme Court Justice Was Forced to Quit for Behavior Arguably Less Egregious Than Thomas’s  (The justice was Abe Fortas.)

So, let's see how the New York Times evaluates it.
"The defenses being made on Justice Thomas’s behalf hardly pass the laugh test. It was just, as Justice Thomas put it, “personal hospitality” among close friends? That would be a nice meal at a friend’s home, not an invitation to travel the world like royalty on a plutocrat’s dime. And about that friendship: ProPublica reports that Justice Thomas’s rich benefactor, the real estate developer Harlan Crow, befriended him after he became a justice. It is hard to believe that if Justice Thomas started voting like Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the friendship or the free island hopping would continue.

ProPublica reported that neither Mr. Crow nor his firm has had a case before the court since Justice Thomas joined it. But Justice Thomas and his conservative allies have been catering to the interests of the ultrawealthy for years, from striking down campaign finance limits to making it harder for workers to unionize. Mr. Crow also serves on the board of the conservative American Enterprise Institute, whose website makes clear that it takes a keen interest in cases before the court."
Thomas is probably not self-aware enough to realize the damage he has done and is doing.  He exists in a bubble of power that likely only admits those pieces of information that he wants to know.

It's a shame.  The country deserves far better than this justice, who has become farcical. 

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