Sunday, February 23, 2025

It'll be awhile, though


It's somewhat daunting, yet amazing, to have lived through enough history that past events and past individuals who influenced those events are now historical, and thus eligible for commemoration. 

That's the case with past Presidents of the United States. And given that Bill Clinton and George W. Bush are historical, they are going to get new aircraft carriers named after them.

(That is, if the U.S. military exists in the same or similar form to how it exists now, which given the current catastrophic changes happening in the military and the United States in general, isn't guaranteed.)

Yet anyhow, here is the article about what could happen (note that it was published before the current resident of the White House took office and started besmirching everything):

White House: Next Two Aircraft Carriers Named for Bill Clinton, George W. Bush

" “The future USS William J. Clinton and the future USS George W. Bush will serve as lasting tributes to each leader’s legacy in service of the United States,” Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said in a news release. 
“Like their namesakes, these two future carriers, and the crews who sail them, will work to safeguard our national security, remind us of our history, and inspire others to serve our great republic.” "

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