Waisting away in the wild west: Megan Fox's corset whittles her waist to just SIX inches wide
The article says: "The 22-year-old, who is set to star in the wild west-themed comic book adaptation, wore a waist-cinching corset that saw her midriff whittled down to a miniscule six inches wide at its narrowest point. The actress's usually 22-inch waist was laced into a girdle that reduced its diameter to a miniscule 18 inches."
I checked with a calculator, and this jives for a circle:
Circle and Sphere Calculator
Circumference of 22 inches corresponds to diameter of 7.0 inches.
Circumference of 18 inches corresponds to diameter of 5.73 inches.
But human torso are not even close to spherical -- they are elongate ellipses. So I used an ellipse calculator:
Ellipse Circumference Calculator
Elliptical review:

Now, the major axis of the human torso is considerably longer than the minor axis of the human torso (for a reasonally flat-tummied person; by all indications, Megan is (Sister Prudence alert!) reasonably flat-tummied). So I'm going to assume that Megan's minor waist axis is five inches. (I based this on a rough estimation that my minor waist axis is between 6 and 7 inches). So with a minor waist axis of five inches, her major waist axis -- the one that's important for statuesqueness -- comes in at about 8.5 inches to generate a 22-inch circumference.
Now the corset probably reduces the major axis more than the minor axis. So I'm going to assume a minor axis reduction of half an inch, to 4.5 inches. To get to an 18-inch circumference, that requires a major axis of 6.8 inches.
Freakish. If those dimensions are about right, when she was wearing that corset, I could almost get my hands to entirely encircle her waist, and I'm just average size. I'd sure like to try that experiment -- purely for scientific interest, of course. But the really freakish part is that Megan's waist is probably considerably narrower than six inches at its narrowest part.
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