Al Gore: US climate change bill a 'good start'
"It is a good start," Gore told CNN. "I think the essence of this challenge ... is to set in motion the forces of change so that we shift over to renewable energy
and start making the job-creating investments that are going to really get our economy going on a sustainable basis." He added: "Once that transition begins to shift, it will be unstoppable, because countries all over the world are beginning to do what we're beginning to do."
I think it will be amazing what the human race could accomplish if we could just GET STARTED ON IT.
2. NASA may finally have a new administrator
There seems to be a consensus on this.
Retired Major General Charles F. Bolden to be Announced as NASA's Next Administrator
Administrator Charles Bolden?
"Bolden is regarded as a quiet man but not shy. He made his first spaceflight 23 years ago, and flew on the mission that deployed the Hubble Space Telescope. Florida senator Bill Nelson flew in space with Bolden in 1986, just before the Challenger tragedy. “Charlie’s credentials are top-notch,” Nelson said. Former administrator Michael Griffin said Bolden would be “perfect” for the job."
NASA's Next Administrator - Charles F. Bolden? (as of May 16, 2009, this is still not completely done deal)
3. Amanda Beard is having a baby
Seems like only a few years ago (it was 1996) that 14-year old breaststroke specialist Amanda Beard brought a teddy bear to the medal stand when she won a pair of Olympic silver medals in Atlanta (and a relay gold). Since then, as has been pretty well chronicled, she kept at it, won bronze in Sydney and gold in Athens, as well as being tabbed as one of the most desirable women in sports, definitely one of top swimmers in that category. To confirm that status, she showed off her entire winning form in a famous men's magazine.
Now she's just got married to her former-boyfriend-and-photographer-and-soon-to-be-father, Sacha Brown, five months into a pregnancy that he apparently was involved in initiating. When I heard this, I realized I hadn't heard of him, and so I looked for him (usually finding them). The picture below shows the happy couple before marriage and baby, very likely -- and whatever is thought of Amanda's comeliness, she sure is in tip-top athletic shape. Amazing abs.

And something else fairly nice and amazing:

And in case you are interested in what Amanda looks like not wearing any fur:
Amand Beard in PETA ad
I'll repeat: amazing abs.
Have to mention: while perusing the People article about Amanda, I discovered this note:
Bachelorette Jen Schefft ties the knot in Chicago
Snuffle. (That's cuz I'm cwying.) I liked her a lot.
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