Sunday, December 6, 2009

Make me gag, Ken

I won't even give Ken Connor a link to his column (it's on TownHall if you want it, and I have a link here) because he wrote this:

As a result of the intrepid work of several warming skeptics skilled in the art of hacking into computer systems, an extensive network of corruption at the heart of the international climate change movement has been exposed.

If that's true (and Ken's "several warming skeptics skilled in the art of hacking into computer systems" may be my Russian teenagers hired by SOMEBODY to do this), then Ken here is equating stealing private email correspondence with a heroic act. If the tables were turned, and somebody had hacked into Marc Morano's email and found out he's getting coaching from a retired oil exploration company executive somewhat skilled in statistics -- oh wait, that's a virtual certainty -- anyway, Ken would be calling for the liberal scalps of the perpetrators.

Funny how that works.

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