Sunday, September 26, 2010

Big British wind power farm generates buzz

A new offshore British wind farm has begun generating power. Despite my misgivings about wind power, Britain and the North Sea are one of the places that the wind blows pretty steadily.

Analysis: Firms jump on UK offshore wind bandwagon

Here's a video report:

Not everyone thinks that this is a good idea:

The Thanet wind farm will milk us of billions (by Christopher Booker)

Opening salvo:

In all the publicity given to the opening of "the world's largest wind farm" off the Kent coast last week, by far the most important and shocking aspect of this vast project was completely overlooked. Over the coming years we will be giving the wind farm's Swedish owners a total of £1.2 billion in subsidies. That same sum, invested now in a single nuclear power station, could yield a staggering 13 times more electricity, with much greater reliability.

Parting shot:

If all this sounds dizzyingly surreal, the fact remains that we must begin to grasp just what the green fantasies of Mr Huhne, the EU and the rest are costing us. Even the Queen, we learn, tried to claim a "fuel poverty" allowance for her soaring electricity bills, which have risen 50 per cent in the past year. But a crucial first step towards getting some grip on reality must be for those who report on these wind farms to stop hiding away the colossal price we are all now having to pay for one of the greatest scams of our age.

I guess I'm not the only person with misgivings.

(By the way, this is post 1,000 on my blog. I like to keep 'em short and sweet).

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