The atrocity that is shark finning seems to be so obviously cruel and wasteful that bans of the practice, with their concomitant benefits to the ocean ecosystem, are gaining strength and momentum. One of these aspects is that sharks are top predators, and losing top predators is bad for the oceans. So I think the connection between the importance of top predators should be extended to the highly endangered bluefin tuna, also a highly endangered top predator species in the world ocean. And perhaps by showing tuna carcasses alongside finned sharks (as I've done below) will make the cruelty being visited on both species more obvious -- and thus spur public action.
CNN: Push to stop shark huntingCelebrating National Seafood Month"October is National Seafood Month, a time to highlight smart seafood choices, sustainable fisheries, and the health benefits of eating a diet rich in seafood. It's also an opportunity to illustrate U.S. fisheries successes and challenges as we turn the corner on
ending overfishing and begin to rebuild fish stocks. There are amazing stories to tell."

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