Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I H8 Huckabee (and Inhore, too)

Yes, I misspelled the Senator's name.  It's actually Inhofe.  But that is such a convenient typo.

Anyway, Huck and Jimmy are trading skeptical inaccuracies about climate change.  How positively backwoods is that?   And Huck is still stuck with the idea that volcanoes produce more CO2 than humans.  That one has been laughably wrong (and repeatedly refuted) for years.  C'mon, Huck, if you're going to do climate skepticism, at least make an effort to sound intelligently wrong about it.

Mike Huckabee, Jim Inhofe Give How-To On Denying Climate Change Without Any Concern For Facts

Huckabee also threw in a few of his own theories:
  • "When I was in college, all the literature at that time from the scientific community said that we were going to freeze to death." (No, it didn't.)
  • "The volcano that erupted over in Northern Europe actually poured more CO2 into the air in that single act of nature than all of humans have in something like the past 100 years." (Even when it was erupting, the European aviation industry's emissions alone dwarfed the volcano's daily emissions.)
 Very sad, but very true, that former Gov. Huck is spouting the skeptical nonsense. 

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