Saturday, May 9, 2020

There's still a blue bee

As I begin to type this post, I do not know if there is more than one species of blue bee in the world.  I could do the research to find out, but that would take more time and effort.

Sorry.  So what I do know, based on this article, is that the blue bee that lived in Florida is still in existence.  I also know that there aren't very many of them, and that they live in a very small biodiversity hot spot in central Florida (which until I read this article was also something I Did Not Know).

Florida’s rare blue bee rediscovered at Lake Wales Ridge

If you want to see what it looks like, click the link!  And by the way, I discovered that there are quite a few blue bee species in the world. 

This, however, is not one of them. 

However, if you have a team named the Bees with blue and white colors, it would be quite useful.

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