Sunday, July 30, 2023

Ridiculous response


She just said the obvious. And fortunately, many sports organizations are recognizing that too.

So Medium should have let her post her opinion.  This Daily Mail article accomplishes that.

Black lesbian Harvard law grad is CENSORED by blogging site Medium for 'hateful' post saying transgender women should not be allowed to compete in women's sports

She wrote:

" 'Further, I was silenced for expressing my belief that inclusion of biological men in women's sports, prisons and other historically protected spaces potentially undermines the rights and safety of biological women and lesbians.

'Yet the act of deplatforming my article was, itself, proof of the marginalization I lamented in my article."

She also wrote this:
" 'Testosterone's effect on every cell in the male body is profound and explains why elite females cannot effectively compete against elite males.

'I suspect this is also why transgender inclusion has largely focused on women's sports, as transgender men are probably less likely to want to compete with biological men.

'Yet proponents of DEI choose to ignore this biological reality. They insist that excluding transgender athletes from women's sports is discriminatory because it favors people who were born female over people who identify as female. Because identification trumps science.' "

All of which is just plain sensible. So she should have been allowed to say it (and I'm OK with the Daily Mail letting her say it). 

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