Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Quick hitter #3: Minor good news about global warming and melting

Scientists reported just very recently that the melting of Antarctic Peninsula ice shelves and glaciers is providing more open Southern Ocean waters, and they're seeing phytoplankton taking advantage of the space and growing profusely. This is good because apparently they're taking carbon out of the atmosphere and then dying and sinking to the bottom (which doesn't always happen), keeping the carbon out of the atmosphere. While the actual numbers aren't that great to make a contribution to stopping the problem, this does have to be put down in the "negative feedback" column.

New carbon sink links:

Antarctica Glacier Retreat Creates New Carbon Dioxide Store; Has Beneficial Impact On Climate Change

The abstract is here:

Negative feedback in the cold: ice retreat produces new carbon sinks in Antarctica

In passing, this paper is going to get a LOT of comment:

Controversial New Climate Change Data: Is Earth's Capacity To Absorb CO2 Much Greater Than Expected?

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