Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Worth repeating: science would suffer under Romney/Ryan

Found yet ANOTHER editorial pointing out that the Obama administration has been reasonably good for science, and a second one probably would be (despite the budget constraints and political necessities that addressing the deficit would entail); on the other hand, a Romney/Ryan administration would likely be a scorched-earth unmitigated disaster for science.  This we already knew, but it's worth repeating over again to note that here I said it along with many other opinionators in case of the horrifying prospect of a Romney win.  Which, as I write this, is horribly possible.

For science, a consequential election

"In the heat of a presidential election campaign it's easy to lose sight of the long-term. According to another Nobel Prize winner, the MIT economist Robert Solow, half of the growth of the U.S. economy since World War II is directly attributable to innovations in science and technology. Much of President Obama's stimulus package went to research institutions, resulting in billions of dollars to science labs and keeping thousands of scientists creating new basic knowledge that could not be done by private industry and helps sustain America's innovation economy."

Regarding the unmitigated disaster:

"Short-term thinking is characteristic of the GOP presidential ticket's approach to science: according to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Congressman Ryan's budge plan could cut spending on non-defense-related research and development by 5 percent, or $3.2 billion, below the fiscal-year 2012 budget."

Hmm, I think I hear the 1980s calling - they want their science budget back, too.

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