Friday, December 21, 2012

Eat mo' avocados

Passing on this public service announcement:  avocados are good for you!

More reason to think so:

"Specifically, the pilot study of 11 healthy men suggests that fresh Hass avocado, when eaten with a burger may neutralize Interleukin-6 (IL-6)—a protein that is a measure of inflammation—compared to eating a burger without fresh avocado. The researchers observed a significant peak (approximately a 70 percent increase), of IL-6 four hours after the plain burger was eaten, but little effect on IL-6 (approximately a 40 percent increase) over the same time period when fresh avocado was eaten with the burger."

Hass Avocado Board study published in Food and Function journal

Of course, you have to be wary about a study of only 11 subjects that was sponsored by the producer of the product being studied, but still, I think avocado burgers are tasty.

So, enjoy one tomorrow.

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