Monday, February 18, 2013

I wonder what's going on with Eliza Dushku, and then...

I speculated brainily about what had happened to hottie Eliza Dushku, did a bit of Web searching to find out she was in an online Hulu series (and got nominated for an acting award for it), and then a couple of days later the Daily Mail shows her at the awards show for aforementioned award.

Eliza in the IMdB

The show, "Leap Year", in the IMdB

She didn't win.  But she looked good doing it.

Eliza at the Streamy Awards

Of course, Eliza looks pretty good doing just about anything.

And may I just laud the good fortune of Rick Fox, who wed, bedded, and impregnated Vanessa Williams in her prime (which was top notch), and then moved on to Dushku.   Some guys...

And the thing is, they even do nice things for the community.  This is them visiting a center for the blind last June.  They also compete in triathlons.  D*mn.

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