I haven't written a post for a few days. Anybody notice? I don't know how many regular readers I have, but I know I don't have many.
That's not the point. Now, I'd like to get more people to realize that climate change skepticism is a farce and that we face a serious globalwide problem. And I'd like more people to realize that nuclear power is a definite part of the way we can potentially avoid the worst of it.
I'd like more people to realize that a lot of Republicans in the House of Representatives (and a few Senators, too), are way, way, way out of the mainstream of what normal Americans are thinking. It makes my feel pain when John Boehner says "the American people want 'this' " (whatever 'this' is). He's massively skewing the truth, because what he really means is that a tiny fraction of the American people who live in massively skewed safe Republican districts have elected super-wingnuts who want 'this'.
I want people to appreciate women the way I do. Beautiful women are beautiful to look at. That's why a lot of beautiful women get paid a lot of money so that men will look at them, of course.
I want people to realize that the Earth, the solar system, and the Universe are amazing places with amazing, astonishing sights.
But if that's what I want, why write this? Well, put it really simple, it's self-expression. It's me. It's what catches my interest and so I'm going to write down that it catches my interest. And if anyone shares what I think is interesting, then I hope they appreciate what I'm doing.
And I also don't have to hold back. My opinion holds as much weight as any other average American's opinion - which is, not much. So I can state it, on this little soapbox in the digital world. I can be crazy or stupid or smart and not get noticed. Not much, at least. But I can state my view of the world.
Yes, I take this seriously. But I don't always have to be serious.
Now, on with the show.
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