Saturday, April 26, 2014

Pitch drop drops (sort of); I was way off (sort of)

I predicted that the ninth pitch drop would fall by the end of July this year. 

 The Ninth Watch

The problem was, the drop was touching the previous drops in the beaker (actually bending the teardrop stem of the previous one).  When they attempted to remove the beaker after this historic "touchdown" (see the link) so that the drop could actually fall, the pitch column in the funnel exercised its thixotropic  rights and broke.

Darn.  It would have been interesting to actually see it fall all the way, but it wasn't going to fall the right way with the other drops in the way.

I wonder now if there is another kind of really-slow flowing liquid that isn't as slow as pitch.  It would be interesting to set up an experiment like this where drops would fall like once every few days to a few weeks or months. 

I think I'll try peanut butter.  But Silly Putty (which you can make at home if you look up the recipe) also works, and supposedly it's more viscous than peanut butter.

 Experiments with Silly Putty - High Viscosity

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