Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Rep. Ryan: same dog, old tricks

Former Republican vice-presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan has come out with another budget. Totally useless, but he did anyway.

Ryan's last budget proposal would slash $5 trillion over next decade

"Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) slammed the proposal as "Kochtopia," or fulfilling the requests of conservative businessmen Charles and David  Koch, who are financing tens of millions of dollars in advertisements this year to discredit Democratic congressional candidates. And House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) told reporters that the proposal is "an unserious partisan budget" and "as unrealistic as previous budgets — and some would argue even more so."
Do Republicans have a Plan B?

"The basic GOP gamble is that Obamacare is so plainly a disaster that Republicans cannot fail to win big this fall by campaigning against it, and that taking any policy risks could upset this dynamic. But they appear to have not even considered the possibility that the law could work tolerably over time."

I hope the Dems will catch them napping on their complacency pillows.

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