Monday, April 28, 2014

Well, that would seem to follow

According to this article, if your nagged (by your wife) or bugged (by your husband) repeatedly, it makes for an unhappier life and potential depression, or at least it feels that way.

That makes sense.  The constant repetitiveness of such criticism has to cause stress, and we all know that too much stress makes for psychological repercussions in the mindset of the one experiencing the stress.

So, nagging wives, lay off the husband if he's at least trying to satisfy your wishes.  Husbands, stop bugging the wife about not having a fresh cooked gourmet meal on the table exactly at six every night and for not being ready to play in the garden of sexual delight and kinkiness every other night at 10 on the dot, looking fresh and smelling great.

I mean, really.

Being married makes you MORE depressed: Constant nagging triggers deep-rooted stress, study reveals

"Participants were shown a mix of 90 negative, neutral and positive photographs.

Those who reported a high level of tension in their marriage were far less responsive to positive images, the study published in the Journal of Psychophysiology concluded.

Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry Richard Davidson said the long-term study sheds light on what makes some people more vulnerable.

He said: 'This is extraordinarily important because of the cascade of changes that may be associated.

'This is the signature of an emotional style that reveals vulnerability to depression.' "

 Hey, it's even in the Bible!

Proverbs 27:15-16 A continual dripping on a rainy day and a quarrelsome wife are alike; to restrain her is to restrain the wind or to grasp oil in one's right hand.

Sorry, guys, if you've got a nagging wife.  I suggest you have a beer and then try to see if you can get her to marriage counseling.  She needs to know that she's dragging you down.

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