Thursday, May 28, 2015

Great pictures of the Wolf volcano eruption

I've got to admit to having a warm spot in my heart for a volcano named Wolf. And there is a volcano named Wolf on Isabela island in the Galapagos chain. Wolf is occasionally active (another plus) and its very recent activity produced a few great shots from the ocean of lava flows cascading down the slopes of the cone. Shots below. Fortunately the rare pink iguanas of Isabela island are safe at this time, according to numerous reports, because the lava is flowing down the other side of the volcano from where they live.

Speaking of that, in the Indian Ocean, Piton de la Fournaise volcano erupted and still is, apparently, at this reporting. La Fournaise also produces nice lava streams, as seen in the video in this article.

Here's the action from Wolf:

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