Saturday, May 2, 2015

Republicans gut schools in Kansas due to lack of revenue

We knew this would happen... and it's happening.

Kansas shows us what could happen if Republicans win in 2016

Here are a couple of excerpts:

"At least eight Kansas school districts recently announced that they’re starting summer break early this year, and not because kids have already learned so much that they deserve a few extra days off. It’s because these schools ran out of money, thanks to state leaders’ decision to ax education spending midyear to plug an ever-widening hole in their budget."


"In balancing the budget on the backs of children, Kansas politicians are behaving shamefully. But they may also be doing the rest of the country a favor, by giving us a preview of what might happen if Republicans control the White House and Congress after the 2016 ­election."

And finally this:

"But rather than acknowledging that this tax “experiment,” as it’s been white-washed, has failed and needs to be reversed, Brownback and Republican legislators have mostly doubled down. To make up for the shortfalls, the state has hacked away at core services, from roads to welfare."

We shouldn't be surprised.  This is what Republicans do.  Even it is stupid.  Which it is.

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