Saturday, April 4, 2020

No friend of Fox News

The Washington Post's Jennifer Rubin, who yes I do admire greatly, is no friend of Fox News.

Fox News has succeeded - in misinforming millions of Americans

I found this excerpt from the op-ed quite compelling.
"Facts are neither liberal nor conservative — at least they did not used to be. One does not combat bias (real or exaggerated) by presenting false narratives, ignoring factual material that contradicts one’s ideological preferences or attacking outlets that are presenting accurate information (i.e., the mainstream media). The Pew survey demonstrates that Fox News is not merely counteracting supposed bias against Trump but conveying false, and in this case, dangerous, information."

That sure does apply to a lot of issues.  And given how much I've argued about climate change, I know there are minds that will not accept factual material that contradicts their ideological preferences, to the point of massive cognitive dissonance.

Which is why I really liked the idea of Michael Bloomberg buying Fox News.

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