Monday, November 30, 2009

End-of-November Followups, part 3: Asian carp might not thrive in the Great Lakes

Even if the jumping Asian carp jumps out of the Des Plaines River and into the canal (post on this here), a biologist indicates that they may not be very viable in the Great Lakes due to their manner of spawning:

Open lake waters may defeat Asian carp

We can hope. Too bad that Asian carp isn't edible and tasty; these whoppers would sure fill the plates in a lot of seafood restaurants! (As I noted before, why can't these by the delicacy??)

Apparently, though, you can cook 'em:

Bones of Contention: Commercial anglers are having a tough time marketing this abundant nuisance species which ranks better than tuna in taste tests

Without searching much, I discovered info indicating that apparently they're also good smoked, like mullet.

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