I'm working on Day 4 for tomorrow.
Women's 400 Free: chloe Sutton wins, about 6 seconds off WR. I'm thinking freestyles, due to higher in-water speed, are more affected by suit drag (or lack thereof) than other events. Ziegler didn't make the A-Final, but her B-Final time would have been 2nd in the A-Final.
Men's 400 Free: Tae Hwan Park 1st, Ryan Cochrane 2nd, Lin Zhang 3rd; winning time about 4 seconds off Biedermann's suit-aided swim (and about the same off Thorpe's incredible non-suit aided swim).
Women's 100 Butterfly: Reliable Dana Vollmer 1st and Christine Magnuson 2nd, credible 57s.
Men's 100 Butterfly: Probably Phelps' best swim, about a second off his WR, in a slower suit. He might not have wind, but he's got power.
Women's 200 Backstroke: A double Lizzie, Beisel 1st and Pelton 2nd. Pelton set Pan-Pac record in the prelims, Beisel just missed it in the final.
Men's 200 Backstroke: Lochte and Clary again (we've seen that before) but Lochte not close to Peirsol's record.
Women's 50 Breaststroke: Jess of the D'Ubervilles (apologies to Thomas Hardy) because Jessica Hardy returns VERY fast -- only 0.23 off a WR!!!
Men's 50 Breaststroke: Another fast Brazilian, Felipe Silva wins, with Mark Gangloff 2nd. Kitajima not suited for this splash-and-dash, he's fifth.
Women's 400 freestyle relay: Coughlin, Weir, Hardy, and Vollmer set a new Pan Pac record.
Men's 400 freestyle relay: Phelps, Lochte, Lezak, and Adrian set a new Pan Pac record, beat Aussies by around 3 seconds; Phelps leads off with a 48.13. Three seconds off the miraculous Olympic win, which was adrenaline-fueled.
FERC Report Card
1 hour ago
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