Can the party of Reagan accept the science of climate change?
(Short answer to this rhetorical question: not if you're drinkin' what the Tea Party's servin' !)
Boehlert attempts to be the voice of reason, but with the army of near-catatonic zombies intoning the talking points that have been repetitively circulated and reiterated in the conservo-blogosphere, he's spitting fire into the wind. The net effect of the propaganda blitz on global warming has been, for conservative right-wingnutters:
1) an increase in the strength of the opinion that ALL science is suspect [partly due to the meme that scientists paid by grants produce the science that they're expected to];
2) an increase in the strength of the opinion that Joe Bubba Layman can have just as informed a viewpoint on global warming after reading a couple of posts on WattsUpWithThat or ClimateDepot as trained, dedicated, and honest climate scientists have; and
3) an increasingly strident tone that anybody who states or repeats the basic scientific understanding of climate change is part of a socialist, global conspiracy to slap down the economic prowess of the Western world.
All of this is entrenched in the backassward provinces of the U.S. The Europeans are astonished at this level of ignorance (except for the vested interests over there, which aren't nearly so influential as they are here).
Additional information: the Climate Zombie Caucus of the 112th Congress (from Climate Progress)
Coalition to Burgum: “Stop offshore wind!”
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