Saturday, February 18, 2012

I agree with conservatives (in the UK, at least)

Appears that on the issue of energy, I agree with conservatives in the UK who are trying to find a way forward.

How conservatives can help to tackle climate change 
Treaty-chasing is a futile waste of time and resources – the search for clean energy begins at home

I recommend reading the whole article.  But I was really taken by the summary statement, which is so straightforward and agreeable that it should make sense to everybody.

The French are surely right to rely on nuclear power. There are risks, but the management of risk is what the environmental question is all about.

Meanwhile, we should face the facts: the problem of clean energy is first and foremost a scientific problem. It will be solved by well-funded scientists working in an atmosphere of free enquiry. In other words, it will emerge in a wealthy and democratic nation state, and can only be hampered by devoting our resources to futile treaty-mongering. Like every other viable environmental policy, the search for clean energy begins at home.

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