Sunday, October 28, 2012

It's amazing to me

It's amazing to me...

... that the Tea Party Republicans, who have been famous for pushing the "purity" of their candidates, (which has resulted in many old-line Republicans losing primaries to the Tea Party upstarts), have embraced multi-position, opportunistic, unprincipled Presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

... that evangelical Christian Republicans, who have famously and unctuously dismissed even practicing Christian but liberal politicians as not Christian enough, have accepted that a Mormon -- a religion that is not just considered non-Christian, but HERESY for what it says about the savior Jesus Christ -- can be their Presidential candidate.

...that blue-collar worker Republicans can't see that Mitt Romney is a man that favors big business profits at the expense of anything that might stand in the way of that, including how many people are working for a particular company.

... that anti-abortion Republicans don't realize that Mitt has been all over the map on his abortion position (including an actual pro-choice position), and that his policies would actually make abortions more common if he's elected.

... that most Republicans accept that Mitt Romney will say anything he needs to say and do anything he needs to do to get elected -- particularly flat-out lie, repeatedly.

... that Paul Ryan tried to change the definition of "rape" to "forcible rape" so that abortions in the case of rape could be restricted.

... that Paul Ryan's radical budget plan has barely been mentioned by the Republicans in this campaign, because they're running away from it as fast as they can.

... that the Republicans can bold-facedly claim that President Obama is responsible for the military cuts that will happen with sequestration when it was the GOP Congress that forced the deal that made sequestration a possibility and the GOP Congress that stood in the way of any possible deal that might be reached by the super-committee.

... that Republicans are campaigning against President Obama by saying that he didn't try to work with Congress in a bipartisan fashion when from the beginning of his administration they vowed to oppose anything he did and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell vowed to do everything in his power to make President Obama a one-term President.

... and finally, that an empty suit like Mitt Romney can even have a chance to be elected President of the United States and endanger many of the tradition and accomplishments that have made this country great.

I'm terrified that he could win this election.  And, living in Maryland, there's not much I can do about it except hope that the good people of Ohio and Iowa and Wisconsin can hold the line against this disaster-in-the-making.

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