Monday, April 21, 2014

Confirmations made during a break

OK, I am back.

Believe it or not, it has been 10 days since I last wrote here.  Did anyone notice?  Well, probably not.  Such is my lot, to be little heard and seldom seen.   But I will still stake my place in the electronic maelstrom which we call the Web.

I even missed my Lighthouse of the Week last week.  But I'll have one for this week, tomorrow.
I confirmed a few things while on the break.  Here are some of them.

1.  Gelato is one of mankind's highest culinary creations.  There is probably no such thing as a bad gelato.

2. You can go home again, but home will have changed while you were gone.

3. Sometimes someone you know will have appeared to have followed a less fortunate path in life than you, and then with one critical decision, they will have followed a more fortunate path in life than you.

4. It hurts when the home team loses, even if they aren't your home team. And it feels good when the home team wins, even if they aren't your home team.

5. Young women with firm buttocks, large breasts, and flat tummies are still very attractive to me, especially when they are nearly completely exposed and only a few feet away from me.

So those are some of my observations while observing -- and not commenting.

I'll be back to full speed in a few more posts.

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