Monday, November 7, 2016

Lighthouse of the Week, November 7-13, 2016: Sinnam-gil, South Korea

OK, I saved the best for last. (Or at least the most uplifting.) This is the lighthouse by the port of Sinnam-gil, South Korea.

If you think this lighthouse resembles something, you're right, it does. I'll let anyone interested do the necessary research to find out why. But I will give you a clue; look up "Haesindang Park".

And after considerable effort (it was a hard job), I couldn't find any other information about it. Nothing about how long, er, tall it is (but size doesn't really matter, does it?), when it was first erected, or how difficult it was to get it up on that jetty.

Surprisingly, there weren't even a lot of pictures of it. The first one shows the lighthouse in the distance, and one of the art pieces in Haesindang Park in the foreskin, er, foreground. I'm not showing it here, due to trying to keep this particular post somewhat classy. If you're easily offended, be fore... warned before you click here.

Here are the other three.  Definitely a tourist attraction.  Not necessarily the most picturesque lighthouse on the planet, but certainly one on the list of unique ones.

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