Monday, July 17, 2017

The moral rot of the GOP

The real title of Jennifer Rubin's Washington Post op-ed is "The GOP's moral rot is the problem, not Donald Trump Jr.", but because I'm pulling out a particular paragraph, I titled it this way.

Here's the paragraph:
"Indeed, for decades now, demonization — of gays, immigrants, Democrats, the media, feminists, etc. — has been the animating spirit behind much of the right. It has distorted its assessment of reality, giving us anti-immigrant hysteria, promulgating disrespect for the law (how many “respectable” conservatives suggested disregarding the Supreme Court’s decision on gay marriage?), elevating Fox News hosts’ blatantly false propaganda as the counterweight to liberal media bias and preventing serious policy debate. For seven years, the party vilified Obamacare without an accurate assessment of its faults and feasible alternative plans. “Obama bad” or “Clinton bad” became the only credo — leaving the party, as Brooks said of the Trump clan, with “no attachment to any external moral truth or ethical code” — and no coherent policies for governing."
And right now, we're seeing this in action in Congress every day.  The Trump administration is simply a slow train wreck dragging the country along with it.

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