Monday, August 7, 2017

Keegan exposed! (but I'm a bit worried)

Well, I believe it has been quite awhile since there have been new pictures of UK actress Michelle Keegan in swimwear. So here we have her, at her birthday party, wearing a bikini top and a wrap on the bottom. Being a big fan of the Keegan body -- of work -- oh, who am I kidding? -- of her fantastic figure and her acting skills, this isn't enough, but it will have to do for now.

Bikini-clad Michelle Keegan showcases enviable abs as she celebrates her 30th birthday... as Mark Wright prepares to quit UK to be full time correspondent for Extra in LA

Now, according to this article, her husband Mark Wright has just accepted a hosting gig in the States. For a year. Full-time. If I was newly wed to Michelle (and they haven't been married for a real long time yet), this would frustrate me immensely, even if I was looking after my own showbiz career, if my wife was back in Britain. And, speaking seriously, long times apart aren't good for a marriage, even showbiz ones. Especially showbiz ones, as has been numerously demonstrated.

So I don't like this arrangement, unless Michelle doesn't have much in the way of upcoming local commitments, and is therefore coming to California with Mark, and can try to land a gig here in the States. That would be good, because then she'd be visible here (not on some UK show I can't get), and it would also be another step on her path to world domination, which I've been predicting for several years.

So, word of advice, Mark, from me both as a man and as an ad hoc adviser -- don't leave the wife behind.

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