Thursday, January 9, 2020

This bothers me

I saw this article about a pizza-making robot.  This bothers me, because there are a lot of people who have jobs making pizza.  Automation is useful in many places and for many products, but in this case, I don't think this is a great step forward.

Pizza-making robot that can assemble and cook 300 pizzas an hour with minimal human input unveiled at CES

However, the CEO of the pizza-making robot says this:
"While it’s easy to envision a system like Picnic replacing workers, [CEO] Wood says Picnic could actually help solve a labor problem in the restaurant industry. ‘In the food service industry there’s a huge labor shortage globally nobody can get enough and when you can’t get enough workers often you’ve got new under-trained workers,’ Wood said."
So maybe there are places that need it.   Hopefully it will go to those places and not to places where people need the job.

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