Sunday, May 10, 2020

We've chosen Biden to run. Now we just have to elect him.

An article from the Daily Kos.

Considering the Times, Biden Might Be the Best Candidate We Could Have [Chosen]

Quoting two parts:
"I’m now seeing Biden as the candidate (of all our very good candidates) most able to take over and fix what’s wrong with our nation. He knows how to run our country. He knows how government works, what different agencies can do, and he believes in a government that is truly there to help people. He is surrounded and will be surrounded by smart, competent people.

I look forward to a Biden administration. Sure it won’t be perfect, but, at the very least, it’s likely to be competent. And it won’t be riddled with corruption and always promoting toxic views and policies. Biden’s long history as a senator and then as VP means he can start putting things in order as soon as he takes office."

So let's get out the vote, and vote to get Trump out, and Biden in.

(I'm pretty proud of that last sentence.)

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