Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Virginia has been here before


Virginia's legislature can't agree on a two-year budget.

Again.  This is not a new thing for them.

And it's usually because a governor of one party and a legislature with at least one house controlled by the other party don't agree on how much money they can get and how much money they can spend.


Youngkin sends lawmakers back to work for day to pass unlikely budget

"But Youngkin [that's the governor] did not wait for a deal before calling them back and launching television ads meant to gin up support for the tax cuts he wants the budget to include. Eleven days after legislators wrapped up their regular session, the governor announced April 4 as the date for the special session, catching Democrats and at least some Republicans off guard."

Va. General Assembly makes brief return to Capitol amid budget impasse

“This is what happens when you’re called into special session via TV commercial rather than phone calls to the leadership in both parties,” Sen. Adam P. Ebbin (D-Alexandria) said, referring to an ad campaign that Youngkin launched to try to whip up support for the tax cuts that are the main sticking point in negotiations."

I guess it would also help of the governor of one party wasn't such a jerk.

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