Sunday, June 12, 2022

The bias on gun control


Even though there's word that Congress appears to have agreed on a minimal gun control bill that will pass both the House and the Senate and not get blocked by the filibuster, the sharp dichotomy by party affiliation on the issue is still quite striking, and disturbing.

Protect guns or combat violence? 7 in 10 Republicans say the former

"Overall, Americans were more likely to say that controlling gun violence is more important, 59 to 35 percent. Among gun owners, as you might expect, protecting gun rights was the majority position, although only barely.

The biggest divide, in fact, wasn’t on gun ownership. It was by party. Democrats said that controlling gun violence was more important by a nearly 90-point margin. Independents said the same, more narrowly. Among Republicans, though, more than two-thirds said protecting gun ownership was more important — a higher level of support than even among gun owners themselves."

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