Sunday, April 23, 2023

Wear sunglasses?


Astronomers report on the brightest gamma-ray burst observed ever.

Brightest gamma-ray burst ever seen a 1-in-10,000-years event that's 'absolutely monstrous,' scientists say


"An extragalactic outburst whose light hurtled through the inner solar system last fall was 70 times brighter than any other such eruption that scientists have observed, researchers report.

Radiation from the explosion — a gamma-ray burst (GRB) known as GRB 221009A — swept over Earth on Oct. 9, 2022. It saturated gamma-ray detectors on multiple space telescopes, earning the nickname the BOAT, short for "brightest of all time." "

I'm surprised a few of us didn't turn green and get really jacked.

Here's a NASA animation of a gamma-ray burst.

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