Monday, September 4, 2023



That was my reaction when I read the news about the kids in Montana winning their case in the Montana climate change trial. Clearly, they benefited from a article in the Montana state constitution, to whit: 

"Article IX -- ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES. Section 1. Protection and improvement. (1) The state and each person shall maintain and improve a clean and healthful environment in Montana for present and future generations."

But if it's in the Constitution, they might as well take it to court.

Judge rules in favor of Montana youths in landmark climate decision

"Republican state lawmakers and a petroleum industry representative said that while they are hopeful the state’s appeal will be successful, Seeley’s decision could result in fewer energy projects being permitted or subject permitting decisions to cumbersome litigation.

“If this decision stands, it will cause great economic harm to the state of Montana,” said Alan Olson, the executive director of the Montana Petroleum Association.

Though it remains to be seen whether the Montana Supreme Court will uphold Seeley’s findings, experts said the favorable verdict for the youths could influence how judges approach similar cases in other states and prompt them to apply “judicial courage” in addressing climate change."

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