Sunday, October 6, 2024

Thoughts about the mass shooting in Georgia


No, they aren't my thoughts. These thoughts are from an excellent op-ed in the Washington Post from Eugene Robinson.

Kemp is wrong. This is the time to talk policy.

Thought 1:

"But popular, common-sense gun laws might have prevented this tragedy. And this is precisely the moment when we should be debating and implementing those policies — before some other American community joins the mournful list that includes Newtown, Conn.; Parkland, Fla.; Uvalde, Tex.; and so many others. The list to which Winder is now added."

Thought 2:

"Kemp and the Republican-controlled state legislature should immediately pass a “safe storage” bill requiring firearms to be kept under lock and key. Such laws, thus far adopted by 26 states, have been found to have widespread public support, according to the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. One was proposed by a Democrat last year in the Georgia state legislature, but Kemp and his party refused to move it forward."

Thought 3:

"Twenty-one states and D.C. have “red flag” laws that allow authorities to seek court orders to temporarily confiscate weapons from people at serious risk of harming themselves or others. Having to visit a home to investigate the threat of a school shooting sounds serious to me. Even Florida and Texas — bastions of gun rights — have red flag laws. Georgia does not."

Thought 5:

"Wherever the rifle came from, a majority of Americans — 61 percent, according to a Fox News poll — support a ban on assault weapons. They were prohibited from 1994 to 2004, and the Second Amendment survived just fine. But the ban was allowed to expire, and Republicans in Congress have blocked any attempt to renew it."

Thought 6, not from the op-ed, but from me:

Stop the madness. Elect Harris/Walz. Pass sensible gun legislation.

Save lives.


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