Sunday, February 7, 2010

Two new tomatoes

News out that there's two new tomatoes soon to be available (some places they already are) for consumption. One is the Sugardrop, a cherry tomato that's much sweeter than the norm. The other is the Moruno, which has a whole lot more lycopene than the norm. Lycopene is supposed to be many ways good for you, including fighting prostate cancer.'

Ready to try the world's sweetest tomato?

The SUPER-TOMATO that may reduce the risk of prostate cancer

There's one thing I don't get from this second article, though:

Analysis of the Mediterranean diet suggested that cooking tomatoes with olive oil further improves their potency.

Lycopene and beta-carotene are broken down by heating, and are soluble in oil but not water, so cooking tomatoes in olive oil prepares these beneficial chemicals perfectly for absorption by the body.

If lycopene is broken down by heat, should it be cooked, or not?

More research is needed. Check back here.

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