Saturday, June 19, 2010

Sweden votes to replace reactors

In a smart vote, Sweden voted to replace its complement of reactors. It was a close vote because the unsmart left wing wants to phase out nuclear power altogether. Let them live in their unheated huts in winter, then.

Sweden to replace existing nuclear plants with new ones

"The centre-left opposition said they would rescind the law if they win the next
election, due in September.

"Of course we will tear it up," said Tomas Eneroth from the Social Democratic Party."

Great idea.

Here's the thing; make an honest effort to show (realistically) that renewables like wind and solar and biofuel can contribute as much energy as nuclear -- and reduce CO2 emissions an equivalent amount. If that doesn't work, then show how energetic conservation plus renewables can do it. If not, admit that nuclear is needed. Words are cheap.

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