Google "Cheryl Cole" + the word malaria and you'll find out that the incredibly luscivious Cheryl Cole soon-to-be Tweedy came down with malaria whilst on holiday with new main squeeze Derek Hough in Tanzania.
endemic: 1. Prevalent in or peculiar to a particular locality, region, or people; as in malaria is endemic in Tanzania.
One article I read said she was taking her malaria pills yet still came down with it. I believe that some malaria parasites are chloroquine-resistant. [Confirmed.] The thing is, ya gotta start taking the pills before you go, sometimes a week before ya go. This romantic trip might have been planned on the spur of the moment, thus Cheryl might not have been taking her prophylactics for long enough.
In any case, get well soon. Cheryl is not only gorgeous, she's a talent, and she also seems to be, well, nice. Losing her to a disease like malaria at her age, with her best years ahead of her, would be a horrific loss. So I certainly hope that the drugs work. For her - for us - and well, for Derek too.
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