Monday, August 30, 2010

Cooch the Gooch gets squished

So much for trying to suppress the flow of information from the scientific side of the argument, AG Cuccinelli. Feel free to continue supplying your own personally-misguided opinion, heavily influenced by the Repablumican propaganda machine that keeps on churning out articles to maintain the misleading material that they've been propagating for the last 15 years. But I hope you learned not to use your office for grandstand plays to appease your right-wing butt-kissers.

Somehow I doubt it, though.

Judge quashes Cuccinelli subpoena of U-Va. [Michael Mann] records

Part of the article says:

But the judge seemed skeptical of Cuccinelli's underlying claim about Mann, noting that Cuccinelli's deputy maintained in a court hearing that the nature of Mann's fraud was described in subsequent court papers in the case.

"The Court has read with care those pages and understands the controversy regarding Dr. Mann's work on the issue of global warming. However, it is not clear what he did was misleading, false or fraudulent in obtaining funds from the Commonwealth of Virginia," Peatross wrote.

I really, really, really like this comment:

Everything this moron does is an embarrassment. Politically motivated prosecutions are the worst abuse of office an Attorney General can commit.

This one is good too:

This right wingnut idiot shouldn't hold ANY office at ANY level. He's wasting our hard-earned tax dollars on his witch hunt. He's too stupid to realize global warming is a given - we're living it today.

Anyone voting for this jerk deserves him - the rest of us don't.

Then of course there's this bullsh*t:

Mann is widely recognized for his dishonesty in conseling a colleague by e-mail on the ways to cook the data. Despite this, UVa. did nothing to scrutinize him through their internal processes. That left taxpayers with only one other alternative.

Uh, no, Mann didn't even write the erroneously-interpreted email that this jerk is referring to. Idiot2.

As they say, go ahead and keep wasting the Virginia taxpayers' money, Gooch.

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