Sunday, February 19, 2012

Romney's Mormonism will always be an issue for GOP

OK, for months I've been saying that the hard right of the GOP -- and that means a lot of the Tea Party -- could never vote for Romney for President.  This hard right is what hearkens back to the Moral Majority, and Pat Robertson's flock, and all of the other social conservatives, not economic conservatives, who want to put a Christian in the White House.  Rick Santorum, climate change know-nothing who wants Intelligent Design taught in the public schools, suits them just fine.   (Even though he's Catholic -- but I won't go there with the theological problems that some Southron Baptizers have with Catholics).

No, this is about Mormons.  Y'see, Mormonism is not just another religion;  in the eyes of the devout Bible Belt Believers, it's heretical Christianity.   It's not hard to show Biblically that it pretty much is heretical Christianity.   And it has a lot of the hallmarks of a cult.  (Especially where Warren Jeffs is concerned.)

So basically, as this article alludes to ("The Mormon card is now being played against Mitt Romney"), one of the underlying reasons for Mitt's failures in the Deep South is his Mormonism.

And the article is pretty mild, as well as somewhat rambling.  Want something more to the point?

Is Mormonism a cult?

Mormonism's outlandish heresies (PDF)

The Major Heresies of Mormonism:  Why Mormonism can never be a part of true Christianity

So no matter what their leaders say, I think that there is no doubt that 30-40% of southern states Christians just can't vote for a guy that's a practicing heretic.

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