Suddenly, climate change is politically potent
It will be interesting to see if this is a political trend, or a political blip. It makes sense that the informed younger generation is not buying the propaganda and ploys of the deniers, but it's good that they also see those who are selling it (and apparently buying it, i.e. the pols, who re-espouse it) are quacks and crocks. Much of the younger generation is better informed, DESPITE the ability to find bad informatin that confirms one's viewpoint on the Internet. But kids are also in tune with their situation, and they can see what's happening; floods, fires, droughts, heat waves, "weird weather". Even if they don't have the benefit of hindsight, the liberal young-uns can also see that there is a strong connection between a lot of the far-right positions that clearly don't appeal to them and the bashing of climate science by the same proponents of those loony tune far-right positions.
The problem is the entrenchment of the right in the political landscape. So it's good to hear that Holder is going after the egregious civil rights legislation showing up in Texas and especially North Carolina. The more they look bad and the more they show themselves taking away our rights to vote and breathe clean air and drink clean water and hopefully have a livable Earth, the more the young people will want them out.
And that's the final piece of this, I think. The young people of the country and the world are concerned about their future. They can see and sense and hear about the problems, and they don't want a world that is becoming increasingly unstable; health-wise, climate-wise, and politics-wise. They are really getting DOWN on the GOP old guard that apparently wants to perpetuate an increasingly untenable status quo with respect to the climate and the environment, and that means to me that this trend might have legs.
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